Home Arrow II Portable Solid Element Yagis Open Stub J-Poles Fox Hunt Loops Instructions Parts

6 Meter 1/4 wave Ground Plane . . Instruction Sheets
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Model 52-4S 4 Element Yagi

This is a direct scale of our 4 Element 2 meter Yagi.

Elements are 3/8" Solid Aluminum

Boom is 1" sq. Tube, Length is 115 inches (2 piece)

In Line (Direct Feed) Gamma Match with SO239 Connector

Instructions show how to adjust for a center frequency from 50 MHz. to 54 MHz.

(2:1 Bandwidth is over 4 MHz.)

(Maximum power is 500 Watts.)

Mounting Hardware included. (Stainless Steel and Zinc coated.)

Mounts horizontally or vertically on a mast up to 1 1/2 inches using our original saddle design or on a mast up to 2 inches using modified mounting plate and zinc u-bolts.

If you are mounting to a 1.5" mast or smaller, please order the antenna with saddles below. The u-bolts won't work as well for smaller mast diameter.

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52-4S - 4 Element Yagi with saddles (Maximum 1.5" mast.) (FREE U.S. SHIPPING)
52-4S - 4 Element Yagi with u-bolts (Maximum 2" mast.)
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