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Arrow II Portable Antennas 146-4S 6 Meter Yagi Instruction Sheets
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GMRS 464-7S - Solid Element Yagi

Maximum power is 50 watts for GMRS.
Boom is 1" square. 32.5" long.
Antenna must be end mounted.

Please read here about power restrictions on channels 1-7 and more details on legal restrictions on GMRS frequencies.

Since we ship the antennas disassembled, we can't weld them together for you.
If you want a very robust antenna that will handle bad weather better, weld to antenna elements at the top of the boom.
Leave the bottom of the boom unwelded so that water can escape beside the elements.

This antenna is calculated to give 9.8 dBd gain but we have not confirmed this. That should be close enough for comparisons.
If you are comparing to dBi, this antenna is calculated to provide 11.9 dBi of gain.
If the antenna you are comparing to shows gain in dB (not dBi or dBd, then you can safely assume you are seeing dbi.)
Instructions for this antenna are here.

464-7S - with M/B Mounting Bracket & N Connector
Same as above except with a SO 239 Connector
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