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BNC Mounts directly on an HT or On the 4 MHz. Offset Attenuator
VHF Fox Hunt Loop UHF Fox Hunt Loop
The DF Loop is NOT a resonant antenna.
This means as long as the circumferenceof the loop is less than one wavelength of the frequency
to be used, it will work.
The VHF Model is 18 inches in circumference (Max Frequency is 600 MHz.)
The UHF Model is 11 inches in circumference. (Max Frequency is 1 GHz.)
(The UHF Model will have more attenuation than the VHF Model.)
The VHF Model is recommended for most Ham use.
FHL-VHF Fox Hunt Loop (for frequency's from 1 MHz. up to 600 MHz.) (FREE U.S. SHIPPING) |
FHL-UHF Fox Hunt Loop (for frequency's from 1 MHz. up to 1 GHz.) (FREE U.S. SHIPPING) |
4 MHz. Offset Fox Hunt Attenuator.Fits between the Loop and your Radio.
Best Attenuator for use with the Fox Hunt Loop. (Also works with a Yagi.) |
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